Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Old Operating Systems Never Die...

This was wild. The ATM at my workplace was frozen on a welcome screen (in spanish, no less) and nothing happened when I slid my card or pressed any buttons.

Being a computer geek, I decided the thing just needed to be rebooted. So I found where the electrical cord was plugged into the wall and... unplugged it. I counted to ten and plugged it back in (half expecting an alarm to go off, followed immediately by the appearance of armed security guards...) and waited for it to boot up.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this:


I could hardly believe it! OS2/Warp? Didn't that OS die around the time Windows 95 came out? Well, apparently not. I wonder how much IBM makes from licensing OS2 on the billions of ATM's out there?

(It's times like this that make me glad for a camera-phone.)


Anonymous said...

They probably knew that using a newer Windows system for ATMs would be the best way to cause the banking industry to collapse.

Anonymous said...

"Please select your language."


"Please wait..."



"Enter quantity."

"Are you sure you want to withdraw?"

"You must have Cash Viewer 8.0 to withdraw."

"Please log in with administrator priveliges and try again."

"atm.exe has generated an unknown error and must be shut down. An error log is being created."

The Sojourner said...

Wow. I checked this blog on a whim and there was actually something here. :)

@Roth: XD

Connie's Daughter said...

Ceff E. Roth, you are too funny!