Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Cobbler

I was pouring some creamer into my coffee this morning and was dismayed to see it had curdled.

"Man," I said as I spooned out the lumps, "I hate having curds in my coffee."

To which The Cobbler replied, "Yeah, and I hate having Shiites in my donuts."

See, there's a reason my 18-year-old son is The Cobbler. Actually, he calls himself Shakespeare's Cobbler, after the commoner in the opening scene of Julius Caesar. He loves "cobbling" with words, just as that character puns soles/souls, and plays with the multiple meanings of the term "to cobble." (See here for the text.)

He is actually quite erudite, however, and is a dual comp-sci + theology major at Franciscan University of Steubenville. You can read his stuff on the blog Three Anachronisms.